
Showing posts from October, 2020

Home Sweet Home

  Home Sweet Home       Lately, we have all become accustomed to the same routines. Being isolated and remaining in our homes is crucial, yet we all have begun to wish it wasn't. For many of us, we find an escape from the things that bring us stress, by surrounding ourselves with friends and loved ones. Although as we all know now, that is no longer an option. Take a few minutes out of your day to read this blog, where I have listed some safe activities to make your time at home a little more pleasurable.  Activities: - Workout - Have you been meaning to get back in the gym, but these testing times have not allowed for that? Take this time to set down a yoga mat, and get your body in action.  - Write to old friends - Do you have a friend or family member who you have lost contact with? Right now is a great time to send them a letter, a text, or even call them!  - Arts and Crafts - Are you an artist? Even if you're not, grabbing some pens and paper and free-drawing is a great wa