
Showing posts from May, 2018

"Fashion is what you buy, style is what you do with it"

"Fashion is what you buy, style is what you do with it"      I've always had an eye for fashion, it runs in the family. Now though, after some time, I have gotten even better at knowing whether or not I'll be able to express myself well with what I am wearing. For example, when I wake up, I usually head over to the chair in the corner of my bedroom, where I had  lay  out my outfit for that day. (I decide the night before) Once I have put the outfit on, I look at my outfit in the mirror, from top to bottom. I think to myself.....  Am I confident and pleased by what I see?....Does this help me express myself?  If the answer is yes, I don't change. Since I admire others who look confident in what they wear, I don't always focus on just what's in style. I also focus on what will help me express myself in a self-assured matter. So next time you look in the mirror, don't focus on if the others around you are wearing what is "cute", and if y

Best Friend Forever

Best Friend Forever      From a young age, most of us have been introduced to the idea of making friends, and being kind in order to do so. We're taught to not judge, tease, spread rumors, and to sum it all up, never be unkind. Though as we mature, or at least from my past experiences with others, I know it can be harder to do at times. Sure, we all prefer to have friends, so we try to be respectful of one another the best we can. But it can be hard as we find new interests, new talents, etc. It's like a book series. Each page will lead to a brand new adventure, and until you read and truly open up the book, you'll never know what's to come. This relates to making and keeping friends, because later and later throughout life, we open new chapters in our lives. These chapters are forever unfolding until we reach the end of our "book". When that happens, as soon as it ends, a new chapter begins. Your friendship book can have as many main characters as you