Relationships with a mirror

Relationships with a mirror:

     Most likely, when you read this title, you thought of self image. I tend to pinpoint this topic often in my blogs, because it is important to me, but is often misinterpreted. Many people seem to define self image as how you look in the mirror. Although that is part of this, there is much more to this topic. To me, self image is a combination of self love, self appearances and how we react to them, and self confidence. For example, when I look in the mirror, I may not always be pleased with what I see, because the other people look "perfect", yet I do not. But take a moment to imagine what they might say when they look in the mirror. Every person has insecurities and flaws, no matter how flawless they appear to be. This begins the conversation of the "Relationships with a mirror". 

     As I stated in the above paragraph, every person has flaws. But these flaws are awesome, they make us who we are. It is easy to stand in the mirror and complain internally about every curve or scrape we see, but does that really matter? No! If we learn to look in the mirror with a smile, we will gain a healthy "Mirror Relationship". Just like our relationships with people, we need to try and maintain a positive relationship. 

     Imagine that the mirror could speak back to you, which happens in the well known story, "Snow White".  No matter what the circumstances were, the mirror would reply with a positive answer. If your mirror could talk, it's responses would be much better than yours, because it would not be coming from your own self critical view. Love yourself! You are amazing, strong, unique, and you are loved. 


  1. Love the idea of changing relationship with our mirror image


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