These wild "ups and "downs"
These wild "ups and "downs"
Many people say that life is like a roller coaster, but I like to refer to life as a merry-go-round. What I mean by this, is that when you think of a roller coaster, you think of how it is usually designed to go up and down. This relates to how everybody has their days when life is going well, and that's an "up" day. The opposite, a bad day, would be a "down" day, when things aren't going well. But the issue with calling it this, is that most "ups" and "downs" happen so fast, on a roller coaster, making it unlike a human's experience. For example, a human might have their "ups" and "downs", but most of that time we spend realizing it is an "up" or "down", is also spent feeling an endless variety of emotions. On a roller coaster, you go through these feelings so fast, you can't even think!!! So, in reality, a roller coaster is really only about 40% similar to our lives.
The reason why a merry-go-round seems more relatable to human life, is because a merry-go-round is, usually, much slower than a roller coaster is. You still have those "ups" and "downs", but now, you're able to fully experience the emotions, just like how in our lives, we have time to figure out what we are feeling. From knowing how we feel, we can find out if we are having a good day, or not. So next time you are having a good or bad day, take a ride on the merry-go-round, and take time to really think about your feelings.
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