Grades...The struggle is real

Grades...The struggle is real

     Middle school is where it begins. Competitive arguments on grades, who's the teacher's pet, etc. But in my opinion, these arguments are the way we make ourselves feel better about who we are, and the work we've accomplished. For example, when somebody tells you that they have an A+ in Geography, while you have an A, it releases the dreaded feeling of jealousy. It's not a factor to our daily lives that we like to admit, but we all want to be the best, the one who can say truthfully, that they have an A+ in every class. Sometimes all it takes are a few words, and you are on the road to a lack of self confidence. You believe others are straight up "better", "the ones to beat". This can cause you to be ashamed of the work you put out. 

     To be honest, it doesn't seem helpful when you're told that doing your best is all that counts. But it's true! There is nothing else you can do when it comes to success. If you naturally aren't great at language arts, the only solution is for you to push yourself to become better, and just work as hard as you can. Yes, the struggle is real, but that should just push you harder to improve. Just as long as you understand that there is no "one to beat" when it comes to school, you'll be successful. Confidence is what gets us all to the state of mind we want to be in, one where you know as soon as you receive your grades, that you killed it!!


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