Failure....not so bad

Failure....not so bad 

     Everyone has struggled with something, whether they admit it or not. Often, the idea of not succeeding, makes people have a harder time. This is pressure, that in this case, is caused by not wanting to fail. But what's wrong with failure? In my opinion, the answer is nothing, though that doesn't stop me from not wanting to succeed. Due to how we have given failure such a horrible definition, people have learned and been told that failure is a disgrace, horrible. For example, if you're a gymnast, and you are learning a new trick, you'll want to successfully complete the trick, instead of falling and struggling. As I stated before, a lot of this comes from pressure, and not only self pressure, but peer pressure. Peer pressure is influence from others, and it is usually happening to persuade you to do something you don't want to do, or can't do. (The other people putting this pressure on you, know what they're doing, and know you may eventually agree out of stress and too much pressure) This can be hurtful, and leads back to how failure is a struggle for everyone. It is not meant to be this hard though. Truthfully, we just make it harder. We don't tell one another that if we fail we learn. We instead say the opposite. If we did say that though, we can improve faster. For example, if you don't succeed at a triple pirouette the first time, you know that maybe that strategy/way isn't the best way to approach it, or maybe you need to add something. I am a dancer, so I would suggest spotting. So next time you don't succeed, smile, laugh, and try again. 


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