"That's a Bop"

"That's a Bop"

     You may have heard the phrase, "That's a Bop", which basically means that a piece of music is what society views as great. For example, when the song Shake it Off came out in 2014, many young listeners referred to the song as being a "Bop". Another example is the song 10,000 Hours, released in 2019. 

     The reason why this phrase should be spoken about now, is because many people globally are dealing with hard times currently, and listening to music is a good outlet for their stress and pain during these times. If you're dealing with something difficult, and have not yet tried this method of release, set some time each day to listen to music that you enjoy. Music can change the way people view situations, and take their mind off the parts they don't like to think about. Of course, it won't completely ease the pain or stress, but it is a great way to change your mood and not have the situation take over every moment of your life. Nobody can ever predict what happens the next day, so appreciate every moment. Songs that have lyrics that speak about issues like the ones you may be facing, can help you realize that you are never alone. It will always get better no matter what or who is part of it. So next time you're feeling low, turn on your playlist and listen to those songs. 


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